Rancho Santa Barbara Mobile Home Park
A premier 55+ community in the American Riviera
333 Old Mill Road Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Information for Residents

Social Events at RSB
Mahjongg Every Monday 1pm in the Cardroom
Knit and Crochet in the Craft Room Every Monday 1-3pm
Bible Study 10am Every Monday in Laundry Room 3 Lounge
Outdoor Tai Chi 10am on Tuesdays (Golf course Clubhouse)
YOGA every Wednesday 10-11 $5 donation, bring your own mat, water, etc.
Bingo Every 3rd Thursday 2pm in the Clubhouse
Pinochle Every Friday 1:30pm
Page Turners Book Club every third Tuesday 1pm Clubhouse
Writing/Expanding Thinking Workshop every other Friday (contact: franksanitate@gmail.com)
Qigong with Ed Rockett 9am Mon, Wed, & Fri in the Clubhouse
Last Friday Social October 25thth 6pm
SB County Supervisor Laura Capps will be speaking in the Clubhouse Oct 29th 6pm
Rancho Café November 6th 9-10:30am All residents are welcome!
Out to Lunch Bunch November 12th 11:30 Nikka Ramen Contact SPC 148 or 162 for reservation and info
Craft Fair and Bake Sale Saturday Nov 16th 10am Contact Hildy 964-0802 for info
Happy Thanksgiving! RSB Office closed Nov. 28th - 29th
Last Friday Social November 29th 6pm

Disaster Preparation Team
The DPT is a resident group who's mission is to inform other residents about evacuation and preparedness for natural disaster such as fire, earthquake, or flooding. We meet regularly and maintain radio communication with each key members and local enforcement agencies in case of phone and cellular outages. Please visit our page for very useful information for you and your family. We urge everyone to sign up for alerts at www.readysb.org. We welcome all residents to volunteer to help keep our community safe.

What do we do?
The Golden State Mobilehome Owners League enhances the quality of life for all manufactured-home owners and for residents of manufactured-home communities throughout California. We champion the property rights of homeowners, and deliver value through advocacy, information and service. GSMOL lobbies for just and fair protection under the law for manufactured-home owners so they may experience the quiet, peaceful enjoyment of their community.

Medical Equipment Loan Closet
We have a storage area up by our carwash/craft room with crutches, walkers, toilet risers, commodes, wheelchairs, canes, etc. to loan out to residents as needed!
If you have need for a loan or have something to donate, please call or email the office and we can put you in touch with one of our incredible volunteers.

The Rancho Santa Barbara Homeowners Association (RSBHOA) was organized in 2001 to be your voice here in the park. The purpose of the corporation is to exercise all powers authorized by law and to keep the residents of Rancho Santa Barbara Mobilehome Park informed of their rights under the Mobilehome Residency Law, the California Civil Code, the Santa Barbara County Rent Stabilization Ordinance and other matters that affect us as a community.

Cardroom Games
Mahjongg Every Monday at 1pm
Pinochle Every Friday at 1:30
Rancho Santa Barbara would like to thank (for their continued support) :